*Uterine Fibroids*

* Frequent questions. What is Uterine Myomatosis? What causes uterine fibroids? How is uterine fibroid cured?.

* Symptoms. Intense pain during menstruation, Menstruation with clots, Heavy bleeding, Bleeding that does not go away, Anemia and fatigue, Chronic fatigue.

* Fibroids of the uterus. They are tumors that grow from muscle tissue ; the number or size does not matter, but rather the symptoms they produce. When fibroids grow into the uterus, they can cause recurrent miscarriages or infertility. When they grow in the muscle or outwards , they can cause intense pain during menstruation, pain during sexual intercourse, decreased sexual satisfaction, altered quality of life, intense and abundant bleeding with clots, bleeding for many days, bleeding outside the menstrual period. Rule. It can also cause a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, constipation and urinary urgency.

*Laparoscopic Surgery Utero & Annexes*

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-This images where taken right after surgery.
- Laparoscopic Histerectomy
- Normal activities after 2 - 3 weeks.
- Complete recovery after 6-8 weeks.

Laparoscopic Histerectomy

*Robotic Surgery - Utero & Annexes*

-This images where taken right after surgery.
- Preparation with 6 hours of fasting.
- Normal activities are recovered after 1 week.
- Complete recovery after 4 - 6 weeks.

Robotic Surgery

Ovarian Tumor.

Robotic Surgery

Ovarian Tumor.

©Dr.César Robotic & Minimally Invasive Surgery